
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

2 Weeks

So our little Emily is 2 weeks old. She is doing well. She loves her boppy and her fluffy blanket. After her two week doctor's appointment she weighs 8 lbs 5 oz (50% for weight) 21.5 inches long (75% for height) and her head circumference is in the 50%.

During the day she is quite alert and loves looking around. Chris has been great. He watches Emily during the day so I can nap (since she is awake a lot during the day). Emily is starting to smile and sometimes it appears that she is even laughing at something or herself who knows which one... And while we were waiting at the doctor's, Emily discovered her thumb and now likes to suck on her hand when she can find it.

Emily is livin' it up with her boppy and blanket. What a cutie!
I just love this smile, even though the photo is a little blurry.

These last two were taken for Grandma... I hope she likes them.


  1. I just cannot get over how BEAUTIFUL she is!!!

  2. she is SOOOO cute. glad she is doing so well.

  3. Brooke! She is adorable!! I hope you guys are all doing well! Miss You!

  4. She is so so so sweet!! Snuggle her lots, she will grow faster that you can blink!
